jeudi 4 juillet 2013

short to watch

some friends have done a short animation film. this the first of a series (next to come). they used a vengeance track for it ... (and by the way,THIS IS NOT a vengeance clip,  THEY USED a vengeance track, that's not the same). So, nevermind, here is the twisted people, enjoy !

Twisted People - 001 from Julien De Man on Vimeo.

mercredi 3 juillet 2013


gratos au bar du minage, angouleme, ça ratisse large : garage, punk, hardXcore, fastcore. youpi... et après tous à la PLAGE

/// V/A /// V/A /// V/A /// V/A /// V/A /// V/A ///

we are on 2 compilations. big thanks to KAOTOXIN and NEED MORE NOISE GATE blog for this...
check them out:

we got copies of IN GRINDO VERITAS, if you want one, keep in touch. 5 E + shipping